Life Groups
Life Groups are a crucial component to life at MRC, where we:
Can be known and cared for,
Grow in our faith,
Serve others, and,
Have fun living life together.
"Being part of a Life Group has given me a chance to build life long friendships while deepening and strengthening my faith."
Larry Dykstra
"We love being part of a life group where we are able to share life as we study God's Word, fellowship together and pray for one another. We also enjoy sharing meals together and fun nights when our schedules allow."
Evan & Sheryl Grotenhuis
"I love doing life with my Life group. We care for each other, have fun together, and enjoy studying God's word."
Jo Kuiken
"We like attending our Life Group at MRC because it fills us and challenges us to grow in our faith and in turn helps us become a better witness to the lives we touch every day. It also gives us a close group of people to share our challenges and provide encouragement."
Mike & Jen Vermeer
Life Group Study Resources
Life Group study resources can be found in the library at MRC. Feel free to look through them at your leisure.
Right Now Media has thousands of study resources and is available to any person at MRC who has browsed to the website and signed up with their own person password. If you have any questions about how to download or use Right Now Media, feel free to contact the church office.