MRC Children's Ministry

Our Message

Quest for the Kingdom

Wednesday Evenings 6:20-7:30 (Sept - April)

Quest for the Kingdom is our new Children's Ministry! This year we will follow the values of MRC. We will be focusing on prayer the first half of the year -- how to pray, why to pray, The Lord's Prayer, and how important it is to pray! Then the second half of the year we will focus on serving and being the hands and feet of Jesus!

We will memorize scripture, have Bible time, and activity time! We will have special theme nights throughout the year as well!

To Register:

To Volunteer:

Our Facilities

Sunday School

Sunday School is held every Sunday morning during the months of September through May. It is held following the morning service which begins at 9:30 am. There are classes for children ages 3 through 5th grade as well as classes for Jr. High through Adults.

Children and Worship

Children and Worship is a specific worship service for 3 & 4 year old's. Children and Worship is held every 1st and 3rd Sunday (Oct - April) during the morning worship services. It is made up of a gathering, a greeting, praising God through song, hearing God's word, responding to God's word and blessing.